Sunday, November 18, 2012

OpenGL 4 Tessellation for Bézier Patch

gl_TessLevelOuter[] = 1, gl_TessLevelInner[] = 1.
gl_TessLevelOuter[] = 6, gl_TessLevelInner[] = 6.

gl_TessLevelOuter[] = 12, gl_TessLevelInner[] = 12.

gl_TessLevelOuter[] = 36, gl_TessLevelInner[] = 36.

In my last post about OpenGL 4 tessellation I didn't use vertex points as patch control points so there was no change in the geometry. This time I produced a Bézier patch of 16 control points using 2D Gaussian distribution. The result is much funny this time. I checked OpenGL 4 reference page and haven't found anything about tessellation level limitation.

For produce surface from control points, lecture 8 of will be
a good reference. I also used this course as reference when I was a Computer Graphics TA for senior students.